Friday 23 December 2016

Mark's Scalar Energy Pendants

What is a Scalar Energy Pendant?

I'll try and be really brief.....

Positive ions make you feel bad.

These pendants give off negative ions, which make you feel good.

An example of where you would experience a high dosage of negative ions in nature would be a waterfall, or a thunderstorm, or natural hot-spring.

These pendants are made from volcanic rock, which is super high in negative ions.

You are exposed to positive ions each day, primarily through technology such as computers and smart phones.

This website has some videos and explains the benefits to wearing Scalar Energy Pendants really well.....

As you will have seen, the pendants that are being sold on this website emit around 5,000 negative ions, which is really good!

The pendant that I gave you emits between 6,000 and 7,000 negative ions.

When you have time, please watch the videos about Scalar Energy Pendants so that you understand the potential health and well-being benefits that these pendants can bring to you.

You will also find numerous additional postings about them on this blog, just search "Scalar Energy Pendant" in the search box at the top.

If it is possible for you to do so I would recommend wearing the pendant at all times and being mindful of any differences it may bring to your mood, health or general well-being.

Reviews Needed

I would be very grateful if you could comment on the bottom of this post with any of your experiences, positive or otherwise.

Thank you for taking part in this test and I look forward to hearing about your experience wearing the pendant.

Please comment below.....

Tuesday 20 December 2016

The Possible Cure For All Viruses Using Scalar Energy with Tom Paladino

Having spent 25 years in his research into Scalar Energy, Tom has been inspired by several scientists, most notably from the works of Nikola Tesla. 

Monday 19 December 2016

Fake Scalar Energy Pendants on eBay - Warning!!

After reading so much online about how amazing Scalar Energy Pendants were for your health and well-being, I was desperate to get my hands on one.

I quickly came across a really good website from a seller in the USA. There was a lot of great information on the website and I felt confident that the pendants were genuine. 

There was a fantastic offer on the site selling 5 pendants for $150, as opposed to just one for $50.

Needless to say I quickly decided that I would take advantage of the offer and purchase 5 (giving 4 away to family member's as fantastic Christmas presents!). 

Before going ahead and making the purchase I wanted to contact the seller and make sure that they still had the Scalar Energy Pendants for sale. I also wanted to check if they could be shipped in time to arrive for Christmas (bearing in mind that I live in the UK so the items would have to be shipped quite a long distance).

Sadly I heard no reply from them whatsoever. 

So while I was disappointed that I could not purchase my 5 Scalar Energy Pendants, I was also somewhat relieved that I had not just sent $150 to someone in another continent that would appear to no longer be trading. 

Not willing to give in to my desire to purchase at least one Scalar Energy Pendant, I turned my search back to Google for another supplier.

Sadly I could only find sellers on eBay and Amazon and none of them supplied a great deal of information about their Scalar Energy Pendants. 

I did not feel anywhere near as confident about the authenticity of any of these sellers' Pendants due to the lack of information and credible proof that they provided. (plus I have purchased items from these sites before that have turned out to be fake and a complete waste of money). 

Please bear in mind that the seller from the USA specialised in these Scalar Energy Pendants and did not sell anything else. Whereas the people on eBay and Amazon sell all kinds of different things.

It was also very difficult to find a seller that claimed to have the same quality of product that I had found from the seller in the USA. I felt that the quality of the product (and ultimately the energy rating of the negative ion's) was crucial if all of the health benefits were going to be achieved.   

However, after a long time reviewing all the sellers that were out there I felt I had found one with the best customer feedback at least, so decided to make a purchase.

Below is the transcript of the crazy circumstances that surrounded my attempted purchase of one of their Scalar Energy Pendants.....

The Attempted eBay Purchase

List of all the email correspondence between myself and the seller on eBay

Before making the purchase I just wanted to ask them a question.....

hi there,

you are clearly a top top seller so please do not be offended by this question but is there anyway you can validate or prove the ion charge that your pendents have?

I have done a lot of research so know that the icelandic volcanic rock is the best stuff so I have no suspension of your items but then I also have no way of checking when I receive the item if it really does have a charge or not?

Look forward to your reply and appreciate your time.

Many thanks,

I received no reply. 

I was so desperate to finally get my hands on a Scalar Energy Pendant that I actually decided to just go ahead and make the purchase anyway.

Then I received this message from the seller......

Hi Mark,

Yes - we will send it out tomorrow with Royal mail first class 24-48h delivery service!

Yes it work - Great! :)

kind regards

I then sent the following excited and grateful reply back to the seller....

Thanks Lisa, can't wait to receive it!! :)

As of today I am receiving Scalar Energy Healing treatment on 15 day free trial from USA. You might have heard of Tom Paladino?

Check out my blog for info and to sign up for your own free trial if you wish?

Seriously don't know if I was imagining it but since around lunchtime (which is when it was supposed to begin) I've had a warm weird but nice feeling. I checked to see if the heating had come on to cause it and it hadn't!!!

I am getting involved with a pet product that claims to use Scalar Waves and because I had heard some people online saying it was a load of old cobblers I started doing some research so decided to put this blog together all about Scalar Waves (its been added to daily....)

Since doing the research (for the purpose of using scalar waves to protect dogs and cats from fleas and ticks) I have started to realise the benefits on offer to us all !! 

Exciting, amazing stuff.

Many thanks,

Bizarrely I then received an email from Paypal saying that the money I paid had been refunded back to me!!!

The seller had cancelled my sale!!!

The communication between us went as follows.....

why the refund???


Dear, I thinks you still do not find - all info about scalar energy!

scalar energy - it is radiation - in very low level! 

our pendant have good radiation level because come from fresh Iceland volcanic lava!!!

fresh Iceland volcanic lava - to have more IONS !!!

please check video below:


and Yes - if you use to wear wrong item like granite - not good - because granite don't have energy transfer like lava and tourmaline stones mix!

video about :

just real radiation - but not bad!

Tel me please - you still interested to receive my item or no?

Sorry - we not interested in bad feedback - etc!

well you came very close to getting negative feedback just then.

Of course I want the item. Why else would I have purchased it?

Thank you for the extra videos I will watch them now.....


ha! this is the website that I first came across when I decided I wanted a pendent. But he could not reply to my emails so I lost trust in him as a supplier. I wanted to purchase for the whole family before christmas. I was not as confident on eBay as you cannot be sure if things are fake. But you had good feedback.

What are we going to be about my pendent that I desperately want then???

buy buy!

we offer 110% real product from your company- but you don't like it - sorry we can't help for you

"we offer 110% real product from your company- but you don't like it - sorry we can't help for you"

Was that message meant for me?? I'm really confused? Do you have a split personality? Haven't I made it clear from the very start that I wanted this?

Why are you now saying "I don't like it" when clearly I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

You are confusing me.

Anyway I'm going to purchase another one. Please do not cancel my order this time and please post for me tomorrow like you said you would.


now I am really confused? You seem to have blocked me from purchasing from you? 

If you don't let me buy the product I want I will be left with no option but to leave you poor feedback. Not something I have ever done before or want to do but I am afraid the customer service I am receiving from you is baffling. 

To summarise......

I have spent hours and hours researching these pendants and decided I desperately wanted one.

I found a supplier in the USA that I trusted because he had a brilliant informative website....but when I contacted customer support I did not hear anything back (therefore I do not buy)

I start looking for an alternative supplier.....

I find you, who looks perfect, good feedback and also Icelandic volcanic rock (not japaneese)

I contact you but you do not reply until I have made the purchase anyway

I let you know that I have knowledge about this subject and then you cancel my order!

And now you block me.....

I need to understand what is going on please.

And I never heard back from them again after that.

Very very confusing as you will no doubt agree.


All this carry on made me make the decision to cut out the middle man and find the manufacturer myself!

So I spent about a week sourcing the very best manufacturer and one that could produce the highest ion rated pendants out there!

I am pleased to announce that I now have in stock Scalar Energy Pendants with an ion rating of 6000 - 7000 !!

Bear in mind I was originally happy to purchase one at 5000 rating!


If you want to purchase the strongest Scalar Energy Pendants available anywhere in Europe then please leave a comment on this page and I will be happy to supply you one.

Saturday 17 December 2016

Quantum Scalar Pendant and Its Beauty

The pendant, the loose hanging piece of jewellery attached to a necklace has always been integrated not only with beauty but with much other significance as well. Other than just ornamentation, a pendant also signifies several religious, sexual and many other symbols, as protection amulets and also for self affirmation by having names engraved as well. Pendants are used as awards in many fields such as in scouts and military as well. And with recent discoveries, Pendants have also become a technology that is used for healing and wellness with the help of Scalar Energy.
Scalar Energy unlike other energies is more of a field than a wave. While Scalar Energy's properties are close to that of magnetism, it is different in many better means. Since Scalar Energy fills the environment, it allows this spectacular form of natural energy to pass through solid objects without losing the strength of its field thus allowing it to be embedded in objects such as Pendants as well.
As our body's age, the cells in our body lose it strength as well. This leads the body to weaken, causing symptoms such as chronic fatigue and losing of stamina as well. However, with the help of Quantum Pendant, the energy level in the body is maintained at the optimum level for more efficient cellular functions preventing age related diseases while slowing down the ageing process.
In today's world where digital and electronic gadgets are used in a frequent daily basis, our body gets affected by the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is emitted by many of these gadgets. It has been theorized that these electromagnetic radiations could lead to affect the human body, as badly as developing cancerous cells as well. However, with the help of Quantum Scalar Pendants, the body's biofield can be strengthened enough to protect it from such radiations.
With the use of Quantum Scalar Pendants, the energy level not only increase but also it strengthens the body cells, spirit but also helps increase the alpha frequency in the brain. Along with increasing these vibrations which is essential to optimum health, Scalar Pendants also help the mind relax, to be more creative while being more focused, sharp and concentrated.
One of the most signifying effects on the body has with the help of the Quantum Scalar Pendant is that it helps unclump living cells. Red and white cells clump together under the state of diseases which decrease blood circulation. But since cells unclump with the exposure to Scalar Energy emitted by the pendants, the healing process of the body accelerates reducing pain as well.
Quantum Scalar Pendants not only helps balance the energy level in the body. The pendant also cleans up the blood in the body and strengthens the cell permeability which helps increase the level of nutrients intake. It has also been shown that natural Scalar Energy emitted by the pendants helps stop the growth of cancerous cells as well. It has been testified by many including sport athletes that wearing the Quantum Pendant increases the level of stamina in them while reducing pains in the body.
Therefore, with the help of Quantum Scalar Pendants, the wearer not only gets a beautiful accessory but also an alternate treatment for the body's well being and better health.

Article Source:

Friday 16 December 2016

Scalar Energy Pendant Reviews - A Real Review

Scalar energy pendant reviews generally discuss that the pendent has improved their health, but not how. Scalar energy pendants work by affecting a specific area around them. The energy that comes from it does not come in waves but rather the energy is similar to the light from a light bulb. You can pick up the light and move it around and the light that surrounds the light bulb moves to with it. If that is not clear, consider a halo around the pendant. This halo of energy is what affects the cells.
In many cases, just like my own, it was hard to notice a difference right away. Once I misplaced my pendant I figured 'eh, no big deal it wasn't doing much anyway I guess.' And I was completely and totally wrong. Within a day I started feeling the pain and complete weariness from dealing with the pain all over again. Once the pain came back I realized the benefit of the pendant. It gradually improved my overall condition, altering my body bit by bit for the better. I was tired when using the computers again and having issues focusing because I was just so worn feeling. As soon as I realized that this was the old pain returning, I went on a search for my pendant.
I was not enjoying the search at all, but as soon as I found my pendant it went right back on, and while the pain did not disappear that very second by the end of the week I was feeling significantly better. I have not lost my pendant again. I considered taking it into the shower as well so I would not lose it (I have lost everything else from my keys to my wallet) but rather I hung it in the center of my mirror so I would never forget it again. It is very important and it took me losing my scalar energy pendant to know how valuable it was. I am recommending the pendant to my family if for no other reason than the benefits and protection it gives your body to electronics. Cell phones are no longer a bother where I used to get headaches by the time I needed to recharge it. Texting and calling used to wring my mind out.
I have read reviews where people with serious medical issues have had benefits from using the pendants just to energize their water and then drinking it. I want as many benefits as I can get, so I wear mine, but for my family with kids using it to energize their water has helped them in tweaks that are obvious to the family and the kids' teachers. This pendant lived up to what I read in all areas but one. In a few of the scalar energy pendant reviews people have reported results in a few hours. I did not notice and obvious difference right away, but again as soon as I lost my pendant my body clearly asked for it back.
So why haven't you tried a Scalar Energy Pendant Yet?
EMFs are Killing YOU! A Scalar Energy Pendant can protect you from EMFs and Change your life!

Still Skeptical of Quantum Pendants?, watch VIDEO PROOF that they work!
Visit for Videos, Information and MORE!

Article Source:

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Scalar Energy Pendant - What Does a Scalar Pendant Do?

In order to answer the question what does a Scalar Energy Pendant do, we need to know what a scalar energy pendant is. They are popping up all over the Internet, being sold as beneficial pendants; as the way to obtaining holistic balance in the physical energy, and natural frequencies of the body. 
These pendants can help with pain management, stress reduction, enable clearer thinking while also boosting energy levels!
Energy flows within our body at the organ, cellular, and tissue levels in waves, as well as throughout the body as a whole. (When someone dies the death is diagnosed as a ceasing of brain waves.) When energy imbalances occur the body sickens, when they are in balance the body heals. The scalar energy pendant is used to focus these flows of energy so that your body is always in state of maximum healing.
In essence it can reduce pain and improve energy tremendously while healing your body of various ailments!
How does the scalar energy pendant work as a healing pendant?
It all comes down to the energy. We are essentially made up of energy. This energy is comprised of beneficial waves that operate on different frequencies. There are many ways to apply healing energy to the body.
A. By wearing a scalar energy pendant which will act as a focusing source to draw energy with healing frequencies to the body.
B. Direct application of energy to the body such as using Kinesiology therapy.
C. By embedding energy in a pendant.
D. Using a scalar pendant and its molecular fused elements to concentrate and focus healing frequencies of the body back into the body.
How does embedding a healing frequency work for the scalar pendant?
By embedding scalar energy into an object it is set at a healing frequency that is beneficial to the wearer. We each have our own healing frequency, which can be mimicked by a pendant embedded with scalar energy using today's technology to fuse at the molecular level, the energy wave and natural elements which promote healing. The earth is made up of thousands of different mineral elements, each of which has been proven to directly affect the body in some way. By combining these elements we increase their healing abilities, and wearing them close to our skin, we bring their energy to bear on our own healing energy.
How will I know which one is right for me?
Simple, put it on and wear it. If you don't have one on hand then go for one that has been proven to help strengthen other people, in other words a legitimate pendant that does what it claims to. A real Scalar Pendant will bring a sense of well being, and allow you to actually feel when other energies that are not beneficial are near such as EMFs given off from computers and cell phones!
A scalar energy pendant can help you by reducing joint pain, headaches, improves your mental focus, strengthen body cell structures, increase immunity levels, and brings a new sense of energy that will allow you to perform a task and work with a revived urgency without the let down of chemical stimulants. What does it do? It creates a means of letting our body once more heal itself as it should without the interference of EMF's, loss of body energy that heals us, and allows us to be healthy once more.
CLICK HERE to Get a FREE Quantum Science Scalar Energy Pendant (Retail Value $49) ONLY while the special offer lasts!
Still Skeptical of Quantum Pendants? Visit for VIDEO PROOF that they actually work!

Article Source:

The Little Known Unique Properties of Scalar Energy

Despite being somewhat "out there," the creation of scalar energy (SE) is quite simple to understand. Dr. Valerie Hunt. PhD, Professor Emeritus at UCLA, one of the leading researchers at the in the human bio-energy field, says it's created when two opposing forces of common electromagnetic waves collide. As soon as the two opposing forces collide, they immediately cancel one another out, creating a stationary or static form of energy.
Two of the most important properties of SE is that one, it is not Hertzian, meaning it cannot be measured as regular electromagnetic waves can, and two, it is non-linear like regular electromagnetic waves. This energy is in a class of it's own with many distinguishing properties.
One of the more fascinating properties of SE is that unlike most forces that occur in the world such as waves, rolling objects, or any directional force, SE does not decay or diminish over time. Also, the motion of SE differs from that of regular electromagnetic waves. Regular waves tend to be sent out in beams, or running through cables. SE radiates outwards from the point of collision with another wave, which resembles circles.
Another extremely rare and unique quality of scalar energy is that the space the energy equals is not a vacuum, meaning, the energy is unbounded to anything and can freely move through any solid object.
The space that scalar energy fills tends to be networks of harmoniously balanced energies. Yet another rare quality of scalar energy is that it is freely created throughout the universe, or can be manually created via the collision of electromagnetic waves.
As previously mentioned, a distinguishable property of SE is that, unlike regular electromagnetic waves, it cannot be measured in Hertz. The only way to be able to view the effect that scalar energy has or to measure its concentration, is through techniques such as Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV), or Kirlian photography.
Within the next few years, more and more information on the unique properties will be available, discovering even more useful ways for us to harness and benefit from the powers of scalar energy.
For more information about Scalar Energy [] and Scalar Energized Products [] please visit to claim your free report.
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